Transform your approach to teaching language.

Whether you're an experienced instructor always looking for something new, or a new instructor looking for real guidance, dramatically increase your effectiveness and maximize your time in the classroom. 

Get your Free PRACTICE Plan

Welcome to The Language Sport! This high-value course will help you:

Teach any level on a moment's notice.

When you have an effective system with language progressions and flexible adjustments, you can enter any classroom with confidence. 

Make an immediate impact

Your students and clients will thank you for your teaching style. You'll definitely stand out from the "School of Next Page" instructors.

Save countless hours of prep time.

Your new language training system will save you countless hours of prep time, especially if you're new to teaching. 

See what English language instructors are saying.

Daria J. (Chicago,  USA) 

"Paul’s approach to teaching English was fundamental for me. I had struggled with the standard textbook activities and fill in the blank grammar worksheets. I knew that I wasn’t getting through to my students and wanted to offer them more interactive activities, but I didn’t know where to start. Paul  taught me speaking activities that really allowed my students to develop fluency. Now there’s no class time wasted, and no rushing through verb tenses when students haven’t even grasped the basics. Paul’s approach is creative and refreshing, and gave me the tools I needed as a teacher in order to really help my students reach their goals."


Chris B. (Northbrook, IL, USA) 

"As a retired secondary English teacher and novice adult ESL teacher, The Language Sport has provided a great opportunity to train my teaching muscle.  The program has informed my instruction so that I can engage my students meaningfully in the practice of speaking English with purpose and regularity.  It has provided a construct for me to begin each class with brief writing that they can use as they speak to each other about their lives.  Students learn how to vary verb tense, how to use irregular verbs, and how to respond to each other in a real-life setting.  They quickly became used to this process and I found that their writing improved as they practiced their speaking skills."


Nick T.  (Chicago, USA)

"I am especially grateful to learn from you the real advice and wisdom as from you having taught English for an extensive period of time, all of which that the TEFL course kind of failed or missed to teach." 

Mouna G. (Skokie, IL, USA)

"I can see that you get to the straight point of the main goal of the English language learners, which is to speak fluently  in order to survive/ integrate in an English speaking society. I found that The PRACTICE plan very interesting and  gave a roadmap to the  instructor/ trainer to achieve tangible results in the classroom. Also, integrating analogies, famous sayings and humor in these courses make them more enjoyable."

 Hello, I'm Paul Thomas - Language Trainer, adult education manager, and creator of The Language Sport

I help English language instructors make their classes output-centered, intentional, and effective immediately so that their students build their speaking skills, confidence, and language mastery faster.


Teaching English is not easy.  But when you find your way and you see your students and clients progress quickly...

It's exhilarating. That might sound dramatic, but from my 20 years of language training that have led to creating this course, it's true.  But I can't say I started off well. In my first term teaching  ESL, I used the book they gave me.  My goal was to go as quickly as possible, as if that meant success. (I wish I could go back and apologize to that class!)  Spoiler alert: finishing the exercises in a workbook does not constitute success.  Shortly thereafter, I also taught an advanced class, where I noticed all of the basic errors that the advanced students were making.  How could this be?  Well, the short answer is that they were being pushed ahead to the next level just because they came to class, did the assignments, and....[cough] filled in the blanks for a teacher who followed a book.  I charted a different path immediately.

Non-native speakers come to us with a clear need, and it can be overwhelming to have a class with mixed levels and different language backgrounds. To be effective can feel like an impossible task. 

Get the 8-action  PRACTICE Plan from The Language Sport

Your Free PRACTICE Plan

Take the mystery out of language training.

Worrying about whether you're really helping your student is normal, and I know it well.  Rest assured that it is a healthy worry because it means that your students' progress really matter to you.

I do believe that conscientious English language instructors tend to underpay themselves. Dedicated teachers who don't just turn the textbook page frequently find themselves spending just as much time preparing a lesson and activities as they do teaching the class. When you're making an hourly wage teaching, as is often the case, it can seem you like you're working for minimum wage with all the hours put in for preparation.  That's what I mean by underpaying yourself.

Utilizing my class time more efficiently and effectively took a lot of work. I put in a great deal of thought, experimentation, practice, and adjustment. Because of that time and effort invested, I can go into any classroom on a moment's notice, and those students will want me back the next day. And the same will happen for you.   Why? Because your students or clients know that they're practicing what they need to practice. They're not sitting around waiting for others to finish some random workbook exercise.  They're not waiting to be called on every 5 minutes for an answer.  That old method, if we can even call it a method, needs to be retired.  

Our time and capacity is finite, so you shouldn't underpay yourself by constantly creating and searching for class materials.


Get your free PRACTICE Plan

There has to be a better way.

My a-ha moment--that speaking is a physical act that requires a tremendous amount of intentional practice--came quickly to me because I played basketball in high school and college.  (In college, the truth is that I got keep that bench warm, but that's another story...)

Don't worry, you don't have to be from a sports background to follow this analogy.  It's the same as music, or dance. Imagine if you took violin lessons. You don’t move on to more complicated songs when you don’t have a good violin tone.  But oddly that's what so many instructors do with language. They move on to the next chapter when the students don't have the basics down.  (For the record, I played the French horn for ten years. Spoiler alert #2: if you don't sound good, it doesn't matter how many songs you go through!)  

Imagine if I were showing you how to shoot a basketball with good form. You memorize the steps: balance, focus where your eyes are looking, keep your elbow in line, and follow through.  What if you memorized those, and then you took a quiz on paper where you wrote about the steps, and then you took 5 practice shots in the gym.  How good would your shot be? Would you feel confident?

That’s how language has been taught for a long time.  There is almost no practical meaningful volume of practice in class.  Book publishers have to sell books, but have their editions changed much from year to year? There aren't nearly enough exercises, and those exercises are a one-time deal.

Think like a trainer. Think like a coach. Your students need to take thousands of "shots", and they need to do so in a way that builds accuracy and confidence.

You can save yourself the stress of figuring it out.  I’ve spent over 10,000 hours developing a logical, flexible, effective system that can make your teaching experience so much more rewarding. I'm sure you can experience the same "click" I had and approach teaching ESL / EFL differently. Implement what you learn here, and you'll never go back to "The School of Next Page."

You are your student's language coach!

The Language Sport is a system for teaching English language learners to speak accurately in a much shorter amount of time. This online course is designed to be easy to understand and follow, even for those with no prior experience teaching English to speakers of other languages. With a logical, flexible, effective language training system in place, you will transform your teaching so that your students and clients will consistently recommend you.

Here's a brief look inside what you'll learn in the 5 modules of The Language Sport:


The Foundation Module

The transformation  from an ESL or EFL instructor mindset into a Language Trainer mindset.

Self-evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses.  


"The Big No-Know": why students still makes basic errors at advanced levels. 

The detailed reasoning of The PRACTICE Plan, the framework that should guide your language training instruction.

Module 2: CORE

The foundational speaking exercises that will immediately engage your students and help you assess their ability.

Progressions and regressions.

Psychology behind effective correcting.

Module 3: BUILDING

Speaking exercises that build and strengthen the core while expanding the expressive world of the student.

(The sweet spot for those who work with clients also.)


Speaking exercises  that fill in the common weaknesses of advanced speakers, while also continuing to strengthen the core.

(This is an especially valuable module when you have clients that seem to be totally fluent.)

The Language Sport course is risk-free. 

If The Language Sport doesn't change your approach to teaching language, I'm offering a 30-day money-back guarantee with your purchase.  Just send me an email within 30 days of your purchase and I'll refund you immediately.